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Developer Kenel 11 Gamma 3

The DK11 Gamma 3 for Delphi was released over the weekend. This is probably our last seed before the final release and the list of fixes and improvements is quite long - see the Release notes.

This release has almost everything ready, though, of course, we are very busy testing it. If you have any comment or suggestion regarding the Gamma 3, do not hesitate to share it now with support@.

The Gamma 3 introduces one particularly important new feature - an editor (as built-in and standalone versions) for line styles.

In the final release we will also include a small library of predefined line styles similar to SVG library.

Other areas of improvement in the Gamma 3:

  1. Print Manager
  2. Improved 3D support and .PLY format support (for VCL version only at the moment)
  3. New samples
  4. Vastly improved C++Builder operability with proper support to runtime packages, samples review (though some samples are still pending to the final release)
  5. Multipass rendering
  6. Raster layers export
Our .NET & Java version of DK is also under very active development, but not yet quite ready to made generally available. We plan to release these DK versions in September.
Posted: August 28, 2016