Progressive rendering
We have been asked to bring back an option for "incremental paint", which was a feature of DK10. We discontinued this feature because the way incremental paint had been implemented in the DK10 was a troublemaker. But, now this option is back.
Any layer (or set of layers) can now be marked as a basemap. Then, upon map zooming or panning, such basemap is rendered in the background.
How to enable this feature:
- Ensure that GIS.IncrementalPaint property is True,
- Set for the bottommost layer(s) the property Basemap to True
Once enabled, you should see the new behavior upon mouse operations.
Progressive base map rendering is available on all platforms except FMX Mobile. Implementation on FMX Mobile is not possible due to technical limitations with threaded based canvas drawing. The progressive basemap rendering feature is enabled for VCL, Desktop FMX, WinForms, WPF, ActiveX, and Java Swing.
A few hints:
- Any continuous number of bottommost layers can be marked as basemap. However, the first layer with Basemap=False turns progressive rendering off.
- Technically any layer can be used as a basemap. It is better, however, to use layers for which rendering times are not too long. So web tiles and PixelStore are great candidates for basemap layer(s), as well as vector maps with not too many features.
- Labels on vector basemaps will be drawn before the rest of the map.
- When using basemap layers, try to avoid selecting, editing, etc. on these layers.