SQL Database Layer Providers
The TatukGIS Developer Kernel supports many SQL layers and spatial database formats. Take a look at information below:

By design, many routes between a “Layer type” and Database are possible. For example:
- OpenGIS Vector on SQL Server via ADO.NET
- OpenGIS Vector on Postgress via ODBC
- TatukGIS Native on SQL Server via FireDAC
Of course, not all connections are doable, but we try to make our layers as agnostic as possible. This means, for example, our OpenGIS SQL layer can work on any SQL Dialect and, therefore, can operate on any database. Descendent layers, however, are created to support particular database connections, like this:
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgis
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisAdo
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisAdoNet
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisDbx
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisFireDac
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisOci
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisSqlite
- TGIS_LayerSqlOgisJdbc
(Some are platform-specific, like FireDac only on Delphi/C++ Builder and JDBC only on Java, but generally multiple connections are available on each platform.)
To define connections, a TatukGIS Layer SQL connector file must be used (.ttklayer or legacy .ttkls), though it is also possible to connect to a database without this file by embedding all the file parameters into the Path property as a CRLF or '\n' string.
In DK code, it is just enough to call:
GIS.Open( "mylayer.ttklayer" )
mylayer = GisCreateLayer( "layername", "mylayer.ttklayer" )
Based on a database dialect type, storage type (format), or driver parameter, the DK chooses the proper layer type and class to initialize the connection to the database.
Detailed information about support for each SQL-based format and its connection stub file structure is provided in the DK documentation wiki. Most supported SQL and spatial database layer formats and compatible database engines are presented as a matrix in knowledge base item KB10639.
Users of the desktop TatukGIS Editor product can create the stub file with connection settings also by using the Editor's SQL Connection Wizard feature.