TatukGIS Newsletter March 2018

DK.Java Joins TatukGIS DK Multi-Platform Family

With the Developer Kernel 11, TatukGIS offers a SDK to fulfill the requirements of almost any GIS solution developer.

  1. Desktop development: DK editions for Delphi/C++Builder, .NET, Java, and ActiveX
  2. Mobile development: DK for Delphi/C++Builder edition (with FMX framework support)
  3. Web development: DK for ASP.NET edition

The DK brings to each supported development platform and operating system the same extensive API, functionality, and logic, for true multi-platform optionality.

A DK.Java application debugging under NetBeans on Ubuntu 16.04.

DK for Java: The just released DK for Java edition, with focus on desktop Swing development, brings the professional grade TatukGIS object API (with its 750 classes and 19,000 documented methods and properties) to the world’s most popular development language - with fantastic performance [read more].

More operating systems: In addition to Windows, there is now a DK edition supporting GIS application development for macOS, iOS, Linux, Android, and even Raspbian.

Mobile development: The DK11 for Delphi edition provides the full TatukGIS API for developing offline applications for iOS and Android, bringing the power of desktop GIS to iPads, iPhones, and Android tablets. Geospatial data can be loaded to the tablet or smart phone memory for fully operational apps without an internet connection. All dialog boxes, including the visual layer property control, are implemented on tablet-size devices.

Raster analysis: Interesting new raster/grid analysis features include Viewshed and AGL analysis [read more] and Fresnel zone analysis [read more].

Progressive basemap display: This new feature is much like the old DK10 Incremental Paint feature, but better, providing progressive background rendering of one or more layers of any type e.g, vector, raster, tiles [read more].

Line Style Editor: The powerful DK11 built-in line style editor supports unlimited line style possibilities [read more].

On-line documentation: Full DK11 API documentation, along with API overview, migration guide, what's new section, tutorials, and sample descriptions with source code presentation, is available online at: [http://docs.tatukgis.com/DK11]

DK11 Training Kits: Updated DK11 training kits with manual, videos, and source code example applications are available for the DK for Delphi and .NET editions. A DK for Java training kit is planned.

Recent DK Customer Success Stories

U.S. company, ICAROS, uses the DK to develop an integrated geospatial data viewer component for its OneButton™ line of software products, which process aerial imagery and LIDAR into GIS compatible maps [read more].

German company, Mittenmeier, uses the DK to develop a GIS application used by utility company field technicians. This mobile app efficiently runs huge utility datasets in offline mode[read more].

German company, GICON, uses the DK to develop the GIS/mapping component of the Marine Contingency Planning system used to protect the entire German seacoast. This solution intensively uses DK support for S-57 nautical charts and symbols [read more].

Poland company, SHH, uses the DK to develop road infrastructure management solutions, with DK based thick client providing access to geoinformation data warehouse running warehouse running on Oracle database [read more].

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