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January 31, 2005

At DigSyLand we selected the TatukGIS DK for the development of a number of applications, such as a program for an automatic relief analysis, an erosion modeling application, and we are currently developing an agricultural information system, which will allow farmers to plan and simulate processes and which also includes bookkeeping functions.

Having worked with various GIS-applications over the past 15 years, we were highly satisfied with the TatukGIS DK because it offers a wide span of functions and is easy to use

We are also very pleased with the support we have had from the TatukGIS team who responded to our emails and answered our questions in no time.

We would highly recommend the TatukGIS DK to anyone.

Dr. Ernst-Walter Reiche
DigSyLand - Digital System analysis and Landscape diagnosis
Husby, Germany
E-mail: gmail@digsyland.de