“For the past two decades, the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (Delphi edition) has been an indispensable component of the TOPOFLIGHT 3D flight planning and navigation software suite. Our MISSIONPLANNER and NAVIGATOR products both employ TatukGIS functionality for the visualization of geospatial information. NAVIGATOR even integrates TatukGIS in its real-time, in-flight navigation system, where efficient computing is essential.
TatukGIS is a trusted solution for addressing numerous geospatial challenges. Ongoing development at TatukGIS is regularly shared with customers via DK version releases, enabling continuous enhancement of TOPOFLIGHT products. The TatukGIS support desk plays a significant role in this process by offering excellent assistance and incorporating customer input for improvements. As a example, when we recently needed a specific real-time ‘smooth map rotation’ feature, TatukGIS performed this small custom development in short time and added it as an option in the DK, enabling us to expose the desired behavior in TOPOFLIGHT products.”
Klaus Budmiger
Meiringen, Switzerland
(Related items: 2023 News, 2004 News)