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LISA Systems

April 07, 2005

I have used MapObjects, ArcObjects, GeoMedia's ActiveX, GeoMicro's ActiveX, MapInfo's components and other "GIS developer component solutions". Yours (the TatukGIS DK) is by far the superior.

I have to admit I have probably spent a total of only 100 hours with your product (DK) since I purchased it. My product suite is huge, and much focused on the database. That's were I am spending most of my time right now - on PLSQL and Java Stored Methods and Delphi front ends to expose the Oracle database and application administration functionality. But when I do work with DK I am able to get the functionality I need very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that I actually have 30 or 40 times the functionality I expected to have because you provide an enormous amount of out of the box functionality in areas I did not expect to see. And this, ironically enough, has lead me to ignore the TatukGIS DK more than I would like to because what I though I would be doing is already done.

Keith Russell
LISA Systems
San Diego, California, USA
E-mail: lisasystems@hotmail.com