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AXIOM Developing Cemetery Management Information Systems in Croatia

June 13, 2013

AXIOM Business GIS Solutions located in Čakovec, Croatia has used the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (VCL and Compact Framework editions) to develop the Axiom Memento cemetery management information system, the leading cemetery management software in Croatia and the western Balkans region. Presently used to manage approximately 1,000 cemeteries ranging in size from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of gravesites, Axiom Memento combines a set of very powerful modules with user simplicity to deliver an unmatched ROI and TCO that has outclassed other gravesite management products in the local market. AXIOM now looks for partners to expand its cemetery management solution to new geographical markets.

The Axiom Memento Map module easily handles even the biggest cemeteries with ease, featuring support for industry-standard GIS vector (ESRI SHP, Bentley Microstation DGN, OpenGIS SQL layer…) and raster (JPEG, TIFF, PNG…) map data formats. The Map Editor derives from features of the Developer Kernel a powerful set of tools for vectorization of orthophotos and scanned maps and creation of cemetery expansion plans. Specialized vector drawing and editing tools include rotated rectangle, 3-point circle, 90° line and polygon, free line and polygon, copy, move, rotate, numbering and labeling, area and distance measurement, real world coordinates editing, etc.

Axiom Memento supports binding (joining) vector cemetery maps to gravesite data held in a database. The joined data can be queried in the database using various criteria with the results displayed on map. Records in the database can be looked up by performing spatial selections on the map or by “drilling down” through the map user interface into the database.
Drilling down through the map into the gravesite database.

The Axiom Memento Mobile GIS module runs on GPS enabled handheld computers for ready access to gravesite information when and where it is needed. The mobile application presents the map user interface with GIS positioning. Data is automatically synchronized with the main database server. The Mobile GIS module was developed using the Compact Framework edition of the TatukGIS Developer Kernel, a GIS SDK for development of applications for handheld computers running the Windows Mobile or CE operating systems.
Mobile GIS module (MoGIS) running on a handheld computer.

The Axiom Memento Web GIS module runs on the Windows Azure cloud server to present gravesite maps and data over the internet to help families and other visitors locate gravesites. The same data is used for a kiosk application that can be placed anywhere at the cemetery.
In addition to GIS related modules, the Axiom Memento Invoicing and Accounting module uses gravesite data to generate, with just one click, standardized invoices for thousands of gravesite maintenance or other services, as well as customized invoices for non-standard items. Invoices can be barcoded for fast payment registration. Payment records editing is very simple but powerful, with many reporting options.
AXIOM Business GIS Solutions has been a steady TatukGIS customer for 10 years, using primarily the GIS Developer Kernel VCL edition with Delphi to develop GIS-data-centric applications for customers who appreciate how GIS modules empower their business processes (mainly utility companies and municipalities). AXIOM reports that using the TatukGIS SDK to develop really custom and royalty-free GIS applications is highly preferable to the alternative, which is writing plug-ins for popular GIS packages. AXIOM likes most about the TatukGIS DK component the great support for the Embarcadero Delphi development environment, native support for such wide variety of map data formats, and highly efficient handling of huge orthophoto aerial images. The TatukGIS support for different development platforms (desktop, mobile, web) is also a big plus.
For more about AXIOM and its cemetery management information systems, visit the company web site at: www.axiom.hr

Mirogoj cemetery (pictured) is the largest and the most significant in Croatia. Axiom Memento map module
handles with ease high resolution ortophotos and vector layers held in a central SQL database.
Search capabilities of Axiom Memento webGIS module, also available for tablet and smartphone devices.