An article recently published in the International Sybase User Group Technical Journal ( provides a detailed account of the use of the TatukGIS
Developer Kernel (ActiveX edition) with Sybase Corporation's PowerBuilder
10.5 development environment to develop the iTAX
municipal property tax administration system. The iTAX
system integrates digital property parcel maps with a relational database storing the property tax data. The system provides many user friendly features such as drilling into the database via the map and the map presentation of the results of attribute queries performed on the database. By consolidating all the data in the relational database, this avoids the double storage of data and ensures that each user always has access to the most recent updates to the property tax data.
This article include a number of source code examples demonstrating the implementation of useful features , including:
· Joining the digital polygon property map to the database using unique parcel ID numbers.
· Automatic map zooming to a selected property parcel.
· Displaying the attributes of a parcel selected on the map with a mouse click event.
· Selection of parcel polygons using attribute queries, e.g., owner name, market value…
· Subdivision and consolidation of parcel polygons.
· Use of pre-defined queries to present maps thematically.
This article is available in its entirely as a PDF file from the following link: PB_Journal.pdf
The co-author of this article and developer of the iTAX sytem, Dr. Dirk Lorenzen, is as a scientist for various German universities. Dr. Lorenze has been developing with the TatukGIS Developer Kernel product since 2005.