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Polish Company Wins Government Tender with TatukGIS Editor Software

December 28, 2012

In August 2012, TatukGIS customer LOGON SA won a public tender carried out by the Poland Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection to supply computer hardware and GIS software to the Provincial Inspectorates for Environmental Protection (Wojewódzkich Inspektoratów Ochrony Środowiska - WIOŚ) and the Provincial Headquarters of the State Fire Service (Wojewódzkich Komenda Państwowej Straży Pożarnej – KW PSP). LOGON selected the desktop TatukGIS Editor product to fulfill the GIS software portion of the tender. Approximately 30 personnel of these two government organizations are presently using the TatukGIS Editor in the performance of their jobs.

The last stage of the fulfillment of this contract - training on the use of the TatukGIS Editor software - was performed in Konstancin-Jeziorna on October 29-30, 2012.
This transaction is pursuant to public contract number 2/2012/DliO/POIS.
More about the company LOGON SA is available at: www.logon.pl