Quetzal Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Digitais in Brazil develops software solutions relating to navigation, pipe laying, survey, data-logging, etc., for the offshore and naval industry. Since 2009 Quetzal has used the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (VCL edition) to develop its main software product, Precisenav, which is a comprehensive pipe-lay, survey, and navigation software. Precisenav is currently used for oil rig positioning, monitoring, underwater construction, and survey by several companies in Brazil and South America.
Precisenav is perfectly suited for applications including vessel navigation, cable and pipeline installation and support, ROV surveys, subsea operations, and hydrographic, oceanographic, geophysical and seismic surveying. Powerful and versatile data manipulation tools integrate with multiple positioning and survey instruments, including acoustic transponders. With its clean and well-organized interface, Precisenav gives users easy access to the tools needed to do their jobs, guaranteeing safe and accurate operations. Vessels, transponders, and other objects may be displayed on a single or multiple vector maps or raster images.
Quetzal cites multiple advantages from using the TatukGIS DK-VCL for the Precisenav development, including:
- Great flexibility and efficiency as a GIS tool;
- Compatibility with Quetzal’s main development platform, Embarcadero C++ Builder;
- Continuous evolution and great support;
- Efficient handling of multiple layers;
- Support for several graphic formats, including Bentley's MicroStation DGN files;
The DGN support is of particular importance because Petrobras Obstacle Management System (“SGO”) files, a dataset containing the entire underwater oil infrastructure along the Brazilian coast, are in the DGN data format. Navigation and engineering companies providing underwater construction services to Petrobras, the largest local oil company, work with Petrobras SGO files to avoid collisions, undesired stacking, or obstructions and plan new construction. Thanks to the TatukGIS DK, Quetzal software elegantly displays and interfaces with Petrobras SGO data, resulting in simplified customer computer requirements, greater user flexibility, and reduced costs.
For more about Quetzal and its Precisenav product, go to:
Precisenav handles complex DGN files while overlaying vessel and other graphic objects in real time.

Thanks to its efficient graphic library, Precisenav can manage several map screens
simultaneously with independent scales and backgrounds.