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Release of TatukGIS IS 6.0 "Standard" Beta (renamed "IS Simple")

August 07, 2001

A public Beta release of the Standard version (later renamed "IS Simple" version) of the TatukGIS Internet Server (IS), an ASP component, is now available for download from the TatukGIS web site. IS Standard is an affordable internet map publishing tool supporting a fundamental level of user interactivity/functionality, and is relatively simple, easy-to-learn, and easy-to-maintain. Despite the simplicity, the IS Standard is a powerful internet publisher of both raster and vector data, incorporating the full internet publishing capabilities of the TatukGIS IS.

The Sopot City Map interactive sample is based on the IS Standard, and demonstrate the interactivity via web browser.

- Full publishing capabilities for vector and raster coverages.
- Full zooming and scrolling, with unlimited view combinations
- Flexible publishing layout (colors, fills, labeling, layer transparency)
- Dynamic label placement
- Querying for any vector, or object group by name, class, type, etc.
- Querying against external SQL tables via ADO
- On-the-fly analysis of SQL database data via ADO
- Street address geocoding and querying (consistent with TIGER naming)
- Basic routing (between a starting point and a single destination point)

Supported formats:
- Vector: SHP*, E00*, MIF*, TAB, DXF, DWG, TIGER
- Raster: TIFF*, JPG*, BMP*, SPOT*, mrSID, ECW, PNG, TatukGIS PixelStore*
* Formats support in Beta version

Server requirements:
- Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP
- Installed Internet Information Server (IIS) version 4.0 or higher, or installed Personal Web Server (PWS) 4.0 or higher.
- No special hardware requirements (can run on a very basic configuration)

Client requirements: Any WEB or WAP compatible browser running on any hardware platform.

Availability: The TatukGIS IS is scheduled for release in the first week of September

Price: $850 per internet/intranet server, for release version.