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TatukGIS Customer Provides Crisis Management and Simulation Solution to French Public Safety Organizations

March 22, 2006

The French company and TatukGIS customer EMI had developed the EVE 3.0 emergency management solution for the ‘Command and Control’ and support operations for crisis situations and the training of public safety personnel. The EVE system provides life-like, 3D modeled, multi-user simulation of emergency situations for the tactical training of personnel including first responders, medical rescue, fire fighting, police, crisis managers, civil defense, sanitation, and specialized military units in a risk free and low cost virtual environment. Simulated crisis scenarios include fires, floods, industrial accidents, explosions, hazardous atmospheric emissions, radiological/biological hazards, etc. The EVE solution provides multi-agency framework for the close cooperation between various agencies and organizations in a crisis situation.

The EVE system is presently used by the following civil emergency/safety institutions and corporations in France. 

Organizations using EVE in an operational environment: 

  • Sécurité Civile (The French national department of public safety) uses EVE with international satellite coverages for nation-wide or international crisis management.
  • REMIFOR (Euro-Mediterranean Network of Information and Training t- Risks Management) with the FireTactic and ICAD (Computer Aided Dispatch / Call Center) range of products. (The Intergraph Public Safety solution used by REMIFOR provides a live network link to the EVE system.)
  • Sécurité Civile authorities at the provincial level: SDIS, 13, SDIS 05.

Organizations using EVE for training purposes: 

  • CIFSC Valabre (Centre International de Formation de la Sécurité Civile - French International Training Centre of the Public Security)
  • ENSOSP (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Officiers de la Sécurité Civile - The French National Fire Service Officers College)
  • Private Industry : Chevron Texaco, Intergraph

Explains EMI chief software architect, Eric Maranne: "EVE is a unique application as it covers needs from training to operational use in a single networkable COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) product."

Most of the GIS related functionality of the EVE product is derrived from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) toolkit product. EMI has been developing with the ActiveX version of the DK since early 2004. Regarding the relationship with TatukGIS, Maranne explains: "The speed and flexibility of the TatukGIS DK framework enabled our company, using a mix of GIS, CAD and OO based concepts, to build a feature rich application with real-time 2D/3D networked operational and tactical awareness displays. The DK topology features proved sufficiently robust to provide the basis for a 3D automatic data shaping modeler, to pop up 2D geographic data in a real-time 3D environment. The capacity of the DK to open and manipulate natively many GIS formats has been a key feature, because it allows emergency personnel to utilize any available maps in a crisis situation and to collaborate immediately with all other network connected users via the available communications channel." Maranne adds: "Clearly, the royalty-free licensing of the DK is also a key to our success."

For additional details of the EVE system as a PDF document:

For more information about the company EMI product, refer to the EMI web site at:
www.geovrml.com/eng/CIFSC or www.geovrml.com.