The GAT-SHIP application was recently announced by TatukGIS DK-VCL licensed developer GAT-Soft ( located in Porsgrunn, Norway. GAT-Soft reports that this is the first system ever to offer vessel monitoring and AIS information for ship agencies, offering them many advantages. The GAT-Ship product was developed in close collaboration with Norwegian and foreign ship agencies, and is presently used by more than 40 companies. GAT-Soft has been a DK licensed user since the beginning of July, 2003.

Four sections of the user interface: i) top toolbar for easy workflow, ii) bottom toolbar for map navigation, iii) info panel for information display, and iv) the map window showing vessel movement and spatial triggers. |

The red line on map is a trigger for GAT-Ship to send GSM SMS text messages to forklift drivers on shore to get ready when a ship intersects with the trigger line. |