TatukGIS has released the ActiveX edition of its GIS Developer Kernel v.9 for developers using VB, C++, VB.NET, C# and other ActiveX compatible languages, with updated help files, source code samples, etc. This upgrade introduces the following new features and improvements:
* Advanced support for coordinate systems/projections reflecting EPSG codes and OpenGIS WKT definitions, with almost 3,000 pre-defined coordinate systems (including all U.S. State Planes) and user-defined coordinate systems.
* On-the-fly reprojection of image, grid, and vector map layers for display of map layers from different coordinate system on a single map.
* Automatic coordinate system recognition with most layer types.
* Image, grid, and vector map rotation.
* Support for additional vector/raster map formats: TAB/MAP, DWG2000, S-57, JSON, WMS, WFS, LandXML, OpenStreetMap, GSHHS, FME, GDL/OGR, Surfer Binary Grid.
* Support for additional spatial database map layer formats: Microsoft SQL 2008 Spatial, PostGIS, MapInfo SpatialWare, Oracle GeoRaster, ArcSDE Raster.
* Support for user-defined layers to read/write data from almost any source.
* Editing/storage of 3D shapes (Z & M values).
* Grid data export.
* Antialiased output for enhanced map rendering quality.
* HTML style rendering of labels.
* Unicode support.
* Hierarchical layers, layer grouping, sub-layers, sub-projects.
* Hundreds of other improvements.
The TatukGIS Developer Kernel is provided as multiple editions to support multiple development platforms: 1) the DK-ActiveX edition for use with VB, VB.NET, C# and other ActiveX compatible languages (and supporting .NET via COM), 2) the managed code DK.NET edition for VB.NET and C# developers, 3) the DK-CF edition supporting .NET Compact Framework for developing Windows Mobile/CF/Pocket PC applications, and 4) the DK-VCL edition with native support for the Delphi and C++Builder development languages.