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TatukGIS Editor Updated to Support KML, GPX, and ECWP

July 03, 2006

TatukGIS announces the version 1.7.2 update of its GIS Editor product, adding support for the following features:

KML data format. Open, create, edit, and save KML files as used by Google Earth. Convert map data from just about any GIS or CAD data format into the KML format or from KML into other common file formats, e.g., SHP, MIF, DXF, GML, GPX, DLG, or SQL database layers.

GPX data format. Open, edit, create, and save GPX files and exchange GPS data (waypoints, tracks, etc.) with GPS devices. GPX data exported from third-party GPS software can be opened as a map layer in the Editor without the need for any format conversion. When required, the Editor can be used to convert the GPX data into other popular formats, such as SHP, DXF, KML, etc.

ECWP protocol. In addition to the viewing ECW images loaded on the local computer hard drive, view ECW images running on a remote server. The ECW image running on the remote server can be opened as a map layer with other data layers within the context of a GIS project.

The TatukGIS Editor is an affordable and easy-to-use software application for digitizing, editing, correcting, and converting (between file formats) GIS shapefile map data and GIS projects. The Editor opens most GIS/CAD vector and raster image file types, including the data provided by the leading satellite imagery and vector street map data vendors, and most ArcView�, ArcExplorer�, and MapInfo� projects. It saves vector map data to a number of GIS/CAD and image formats and can be used to create GIS projects. For a full feature list, refer to the GIS Editor product page.

The TatukGIS Editor v. 1.7.2 is available as a free trial version download.