TatukGIS announces the version 8.4 upgrade release of the GIS Developer Kernel toolkit product as an ActiveX control, with a new trial version and 45 updated samples in VB, VB.NET, and C#. An updated Visual C++ wrapper is available for VC++ developers. With this upgrade, the DK-ActiveX product fully reflects the latest advancements of the TatukGIS GIS map engine. This upgrade is available for free to all DK-ActiveX licensed users who have purchased the DK-ActiveX license, or a continuation of DK support/upgrades access, during the last 12 months.
The DK-ActiveX v. 8.4 is packaged with a perpetual development license for the full TatukGIS Internet Server and Internet Server LITE products. A DK-ActiveX licensed developer can now use the IS or IS LITE indefinitely in development mode and wait to purchase a IS or IS LITE license upon deployment of a web GIS solution.
A detailed history of the new features and fixes in the version 8.4 can be found at the DK Product History link on the TatukGIS web site.
Some of the more significant new features include the following:
- Enhanced speed, stability and ease of deployment
- Much faster performance with SQL map layers
- Support for grid (Digital Terrain Model) data formats: ASCII GRID, FLOAT GRID, BT (Binary Terrain), DTED, ADF
- Support for v.2 of the TatukGIS PixelStore format.
- Read support for additional vector formats: GML (read/write), GDF, VPF, STDS, DLG (read/write), and improved support for the DXF and TAB formats.
- Read/write support for the Geomedia® SQL Server & Access Warehouse data formats
- Read support for the IMG, CADRG, and JPEG2000 image formats
- The latest updates of the MrSID and ECW libraries
- Geocoded address query standardization
- Printing from templates
- Improved labeling
- Improved opening of ESRI ArcView, ArcExplorer, and MapInfo Professional projects