TatukGIS hosted OSM (world map) web tile servers are available as a free service for use with TatukGIS software, including customer developed GIS applications developed from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (SDK). Support for the service is available to customers with active license maintenance.
The TatukGIS hosted OSM tile service is beneficial for customers because most publicly available map tile servers (e.g., Google Maps, Bing Maps) are restricted by commercial license or otherwise prohibited. Even most OpenStreetMap servers should not be used (see "OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Our tile servers are not.").
TatukGIS began hosting an OSM tile server on a preliminary basis some time ago in response to customer requests. (See blog.) Since then many customers have successfully used the service in their applications and projects, typically as an easy-to-implement, detailed background map layer for all areas of the world.
TatukGIS is now making its OSM tile service official, while adding new hillshade (with contour lines) and international (English) name label features. The map tiles are available as four different styles: standard with native language name labeling, standard with English name labeling, hillshade with native language name labeling, and hillshade with English name labeling. Each style is accessed using a unique connector file. With the TatukGIS desktop GIS Editor and free Viewer products, each style is available as a selection option under the File / Favorites menu.
Standard style
TatukGIS OpenStreetMap Tiles.ttkwp

Standard style - International (English) names
TatukGIS OpenStreetMap Tiles (English).ttkwp

Hillshade style
TatukGIS OpenStreetMap Hillshade Tiles.ttkwp

Hillshade style - International (English) names
TatukGIS OpenStreetMap Hillshade Tiles (English).ttkwp
The tile service uses OSM workflow and data. TatukGIS tools are used to generate the hillshade and contour lines from raw DTM data obtained from public sources, mainly SRTM.
Technical specifications are found on the OSM Servers page of the Developer Kernel documentation.