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The Poland Office of Geodesy and Cartography Purchases GIS Topology Corrector Packaged with the TatukGIS Viewer

September 27, 2004

Pursuant to a contract to provide 400 offices of the Polish National Geodesy and Cartography Administration (GŁÓWNY URZĄD Geodezji i Kartografii - GUGiK) with an application to build and correct GIS vector topology, the Polish GIS solutions provider Fin Skog Geomatics persuaded TatukGIS to allow the topology corrector unit to be packaged together with the TatukGIS Viewer. The objective was to provide an enhanced user interface for viewing GIS data sets before running the topology correction operations and to visually present the spatial errors and irregularities uncovered by the topology correction routine.

The topology corrector itself is a stand-alone application called SWDETOPO, which uses powerful mathematical algorithms to systematically search for, locate, and repair spatial errors in GIS vector geometry based on tolerance levels set by the user. The SWDETOPO application is added to the TatukGIS Viewer as a DLL, and is launched from a special menu button in the Viewer.

The combined SWDETOPO-TatukGIS Viewer application enables the GUGiK organization to efficiently enhance the quality control of data in the Land and Building Register (Ewidencja Grunt�wi Budynk�w - EGiB). The application supports the SWDE file format used by GUGiK, which is the Polish Standard of exchange for data in the Land and Building Register. The contract was fulfilled in July, 2004.

As a result of this arrangement between Fin Skog and TatukGIS, the TatukGIS Viewer is now used by Geodesy professionals in each of the 400 GUGiK offices across Poland.




For more information about GUGiK, refer to: www.gugik.gov.pl
For more information about Fin Skog Geomatics, refer to: www.finskog.com.pl