Australian company EarthScience Information Systems has used the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (SDK) to integrate GIS functionality into its market leading Groundwater and Contaminated Site Data Management System "ESDAT". The latest update incorporating functionality developed from the Developer Kernel was just rolled out to all ESDAT users in April.
The ESDAT (EarthScience Data Manager) system works with a unique, open-source, and customizable MS Access or SQL Server database to automate components of contaminated site reporting while assisting in data analysis and manipulation. The automated reporting and analysis components of the ESDAT system include:
- the import of laboratory and Quality Assurance (QA) data,
- complete QA checks of the data with an output report,
- production of formatted chemistry and other tables with �exceedance� values highlighted,
- map generation with "intelligent" staked labeling and
- graphs that can be automatically updated as new data becomes available.
The analysis components incorporate database, spreadsheet, and GIS tools, and can export data in formats that are compatible for use in mainstream desktop GIS, borehole logging, and other software packages. This allows the more sophisticated user to easily experiment with conceptual ideas and outputs during the process of developing an understanding of the data, while avoiding hassles with data format compatibility. (The TatukGIS software support many data formats.)
EarthScience Information Systems determined the TatukGIS Developer Kernel to be a more cost effective replacement for a GIS related component that had previously been developed in-house. The TatukGIS component met the majority of the GIS requirements even without modification and use of the TatukGIS component freed up development resources for other areas of focus. TatukGIS was selected over other available GIS development components because of the support of OpenGIS specifications, ease of use, and customer-friendly licensing arrangement.
ESDAT has been available for purchase for three years and is presently the most widely used contaminated site data management package in Australia. The ESDAT product is now also being offered to markets in Europe and the US/Canada. Refer to the ESDAT web site at for more information about EarthScience Information Systems and its ESDAT product.
Result locations shown, with hot to cold colouring, and dates or depths across the columns. |
Chemistry Tables, with guideline exceedances shown with background colouration, and a different format for each guideline. |
QA Settings can be specified, for production of a summary, and non-conformance report. |