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Washington State County Road Administration Board using DK.NET for Road Management System

May 08, 2012

The Washington State County Road Administration Board (CRAB) uses the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (.NET edition) for its "Mobility" road inventory and management system. The mission of the Washington State CRAB is to preserve and enhance the transportation infrastructure of Washington counties by providing standards of good practice, fair administration of funding programs, visionary leadership, and integrated, progressive and professional technical services. Mobility software is a comprehensive road inventory and management system provided to all Washington State counties to enhance a county’s ability to make quality decisions through consistent, equitable, and defensible management plans and operations. Mobility highlights: Asset Management, Maintenance Management, Pavement Management Systems, Road Log Management, and Reporting Services.

CRAB utilizes the TatukGIS Development Kernel to create and incorporate a map viewer tool within Mobility that ties a county’s shape map files to data located in the State's Road Log database. This allows a visual perspective of roadway information such as type of pavement, Federal Function Class, pavement condition, sign locations, accident locations, etc.

Reports CRAB IT Systems Manager Bob Davis, "TatukGIS provides us with this innovative mapping capability and has proven to be a valuable asset in our on-going programming efforts. Thank you TatukGIS…we’re very happy with your product and look forward to working with you for many years to come."

For more about the Washington State County Road Administration Board, refer to: www.crab.wa.gov


Map viewer (developed from TatukGIS DK) displaying basic county roadways from a shape file.

County road system with Road Log data displayed via remote desktop connection.

Roadway sign locations from State's Road Log database via remote desktop connetion.

Crash locations from Road Log database.

Display of hydrology and city limits data.