Arc2TatukGIS Arc2TatukGIS is free plug-in to ESRI ArcGIS/ArcMap software used to export an ArcGIS project as a TatukGIS project. Map projects exported from ArcGIS can be opened and used in any product supporting the TatukGIS project file, including the TatukGIS Editor, the free TatukGIS Viewer, and any custom application developed from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (SDK). Arc2TatuGIS: Converts project related information (map symbology, labels, colors, fills, line widths, coordinate system information, extent, map units, scale, layer organization, etc.) from an ArcGIS *.mxd project file into a TatukGIS .ttkgp project file. Converts each vector map layer in the source ArcGIS project from any ArcGIS supported format into a SHP format layer in the TatukGIS project. Raster layers from the ArcGIS project are incorporated into the TatukGIS project in their original format. Allows the user to define a map extent for the exported project. Supports filtered layers , using "query filter" and "scale range". Verifies all geometries in each source layer to ensure no corrupted geometric features are exported. If the original ArcGIS project contains ESRI Personal Geodatabase or ArcSDE layers, each exported SHP file layer can be replaced in the TatukGIS project with the original Personal Geodatabase or ArcSDE layer by manually manipulating the TatukGIS *.ttkgp project file. TatukGIS products support Personal Geodatabase and ArcSDE layers. Arc2TatukGIS used in combination with the free TatukGIS Viewer offers ArcGIS users the means to distribute any ArcGIS project to anyone, for use on any Windows computer, without the purchase of additional software. Distributed projects can be opened in the TatukGIS Viewer, or other TatukGIS product, with just one click. A GIS project running in ArcMap (ArcGIS). The Arc2TatukGIS plug-in is called within ArcMap... The exported project opened in the TatukGIS Viewer. The free Arc2TatukGIS plug-in was developed by TatukGIS customer Idan Computers Ltd. ( and contributed to TatukGIS for distribution to other TatukGIS customers. Refer to the Instant Help for guidance. As a free product, Arc2TatukGIS is unsupported, but informed user feedback is welcome. Note! Some potential conversion probems may be resolved by converting the feature classes into shapefiles directly in the mxd, and then converting to TatukGIS. Arc2TatukGIS supports ArcGIS/ArcMap versions 9 and 10. Download Free Version Arc2TatukGIS City Heating Network Tracing Scales Manager Spatial Selection Tool Themes Manager