Coordinate Calculator The TatukGIS Coordinate Calculator interactively converts the coordinates of any point between thousands of coordinate systems. Approximately 5,000 predefined geographic and projected coordinate systems can be selected from the list, or quickly located using the handy search tool. Alternatively, a coordinate system can be user-defined from any of 150+ supported projections and 900+ supported datums. As with other TatukGIS products, the support for coordinate systems is state-of-the-art, reflecting EPSG codes and OpenGIS WKT definitions. The Coordinate Calculator for Windows is available as a free download from the TatukGIS web site. The Coordinate Calculator for macOS can be purchased for a small fee from the Apple Mac App Store. Calculator running on Mac OSX 10.8. Calculator running on Windows 8. For batch conversion of large x,y coordinate datasets (i.e., for many points) between coordinate systems in a single operation, refer to the CSConverter script in the TatukGIS Editor product. CSConverter is one of many useful scripts packaged with the Editor. Description Release notes