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Developer Kernel for ASP.NET

The TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) for ASP.NET edition is a professional grade, managed code ASP.NET GIS library for use with MVC and Razor Pages to develop custom web GIS applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS servers. This GIS SDK is designed and compiled natively for:

  • ASP.NET Core, supporting:
    • .NET 3.1 and 5.0 (and higher)
    • Web GIS application development for hosting on Windows, Linux, and macOS servers (including Docker)
    • True CIL
  • ASP.NET Web Forms, supporting:
    • ASP.NET Framework 4.6.2 (or newer)
    • Web GIS application development for hosting on Windows servers
    • True CIL
  • C#, VB.NET, VC++, Oxygene, and other .NET languages (compatibility dependent on selected .NET technology)
  • Visual Studio 2013-2022 (version compatibility dependent on selected .NET technology)

Support for HTML5 technology offers smooth, multi-touch compatibility with leading web browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera) on desktop and mobiles. A JavaScript API enables rich customization of the client-side map experience including drawing, basic styling, editing, tracking layers, and access to REST services. HTML user control utilities can access the Leaflet JavaScript library to expose further functionality such as smooth tiles to automatically project locally hosted maps to the coordinate system of a tile server. The DK ASP.NET can publish REST/WFS/WMS services.

Deploying a developed GIS application to a production server, including cloud services like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, is a simple 'copy file' deployment.

The DK for ASP.NET edition features the same object-oriented API and comprehensive geospatial functionality as DK editions designed for other development platforms, except for differences required by the different technologies. Similarity across SDK editions means application logic can be reused between desktop and web applications.

As with other DK editions, the DK ASP.NET is licensed per developer with no server deployment royalties or run-time fees.

ASP.NET GIS library, ASP.NET geospatial library, ASP.NET GIS development library, ASP.NET GIS SDK, ASP.NET GIS developer kit, ASP.NET GIS developer tools, ASP.NET GIS engine, ASP.NET geospatial engine, web GIS ASP.NET library, web GIS .NET library, GIS ASP.NET Core library, GIS Web Forms library, GIS ASP.NET Core, web GIS SDK, web GIS development kit, web GIS developer tools, .NET web GIS component, ASP.NET Core GIS SDK, ASP.NET GIS development, ASP.NET GIS application, web GIS Linux server, web GIS REST, web GIS kit, .NET web GIS kit, web GIS library Visual Studio, GIS server SDK, GIS cloud deployment, web GIS developer tools, ASP.NET Core GIS development, ASP.NET spatial database, GIS ASP.NET macOS, web GIS macOS, GIS for ASP.NET, GIS for ASP.NET Core, web GIS Docker, GIS SDK macOS server, web GIS tools macOS, ASP.NET PostGIS, GIS application in ASP.NET, develop web GIS application, GIS server application