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Developer Kernel Features


  • Per registered developer, perpetual.
  • Royalty-free deployment of compiled applications to users and servers.
  • Source code provided for DK for Delphi edition.


  • 12 months product updates/upgrades with license purchase (renewable).
  • 12 months email technical support with license purchase (renewable).
  • Regularly updated online documentation wiki with full API documentation, API Overview, What's New, Migration Guide, 100+ source code samples, searchable online knowledge base, question & answer resource.

Language localization

  • TatukGIS hosted language translations editor for systematically localizing the application software user interface (menus, dialogs, and messages) to any language.
  • Unicode support for all foreign language characters.
  • Flexible application user interface language selection.

OpenStreetMap web tile server


  • Comprehensive for GIS application development.
  • 750 classes, 19,000 documented methods and properties.
  • Almost exactly the same API on all supported platforms (see Available Platforms below), with differences due mainly to platform differences/limitations.

Key Functionality

  • Open, create, edit, save, export vector, image and grid files including formats defined as a database.
  • Layer properties, legend, scale, north arrow, and other visual controls as demonstrated in the TatukGIS Editor/Viewer products (see Visual Controls below).
  • Powerful styling and feature rendering based on scale and attributes.
  • Symbology based on SVG, CGM, images, fonts.
  • Built-in 1,000+ SVG symbols library with highway and route shields.
  • Built-in line style editor for advanced line symbology, user-defined line styles.
  • Advanced labeling including dynamic placement, follow-the-line, overlap avoidance, multi-field, and HTML formatting.
  • Extensive support for open standards including GML and WFS, WMTS, and WMS services.
  • Printing including predefined print templates and template editor.
  • Exporting high resolution full map composition as image file.
  • GPU enhanced rendering (if supported by operating system).
  • Antialiased output for enhanced map rendering quality.
  • Vector and image layer data classification methods.
  • Choropleth maps, such as created using classified data.
  • Layer statistics for all types of layers.
  • Using layer statistics to render maps and labels.
  • Color ramps for any layer (vector, grid, DEM).
  • Dynamic shape aggregation (binning, clustering, shape reduction) to simplify map presentation.
  • GPS tracking on projected map, auto map rotation, real-time GPS device emulator connectivity using NMEA standard.
  • Tracking layer support for high refresh rate.
  • Progressive rendering basemaps (vector/image).
  • Vector operations and analysis, such as:
    • Shape creation, editing, splitting, merging, snapping, smoothing, simplifications, scaling, rotation,
    • Attribute querying, editing, creation,
    • Spatial querying based on DE-9IM topological model,
    • Shape topology testing for overlaps, inclusions, touches, etc., based on DE-9IM model,
    • Area, length, and distance calculations,
    • Triangulation and Voronoi chart calculations,
    • Geocoding, reverse geocoding, and routing with persistent network support,
    • Virtual attribute fields that update dynamically (for labeling, section rendering, SQL querries).
  • Image and grid operations and analysis, such as:
  • OpenCL enhanced computation of time-consuming methods (such as Viewshed analysis). (Not applicable to DK.ASPNET; planned for DK.JAVA.)
  • Operation pipelining (simplified geoprocessing commands interpreter).
  • Support for 4K monitors, when applicable.
  • 3D rendering of 2D, 3D, and extruded 2D shapes with digital elevation model support, aerial imagery draping over DEM layer, fly-over rendering, 3D "geological" maps, volumetric rendering in 3D, object texturing (not applicable for DK.ASPNET; planned for DK.JAVA).
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) integration with IFC layer class
    • Open/display IFC files (IFC2x3, IFC4) as layers
    • Display BIM data in 2D/3D with preserved styling
    • Read metadata and attributes of elements
    • Show/hide elements and categories
    • Export IFC model to WexBIM format with simplified geometry and faster load
    • Georeference IFC models to real-world coordinates
    • Export IFC model as mesh shapes to other formats

Coordinate Conversions

  • Image and vector layer reprojection on-the-fly,
  • Image and vector layer rotation on-the-fly,
  • 5000+ predefined coordinate systems,
  • 150+ projections, 900+ datums, user defined coordinate systems,
  • Support for OpenGIS WKT definitions and EPSG codes,
  • PRJ, World, and TAB registration file support.

Visual Controls

  • Map Window Control with ability to rotate view by any angle.
  • Visual Layer Property Control
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET.
  • Legend Control (layer priority, grouping, and hierarchy, sub-projects).
  • Built-in line style editor.
  • Attribute Editing Panel
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET.
  • Scale Control.
  • North Arrow Control.
  • Print Preview Control
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET,
    • not applicable for iOS and Android.
  • Print Preview Form
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET,
    • not applicable for iOS and Android.
  • GPS Panel
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET.
  • Coordinate System Set-up Control
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET.
  • Dataset Control
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET.
  • 3D Control Panel
    • not applicable for DK.ASPNET,
    • planned for DK.JAVA.

Data Formats

All supported layer formats are presented with detailed information about supported operations, operating systems, and required drivers (if any) in the online DK documentation wiki. These include commonly known formats listed below. The DK natively writes data to over 35 formats.
  • Vector file: CSV, DLG, DGN, DXF, DWG, E00, GDF, GML, GPX, GSHHS, JSON, KML, LandXML, LAS, MIF, OSM, PLY, SDTS, SHP, S57, STL, TAB, TIGER, VPF, IFC and others.
  • Vector database: ESRI Personal Geodatabase, ESRI File Geodatabase, Geomedia Access Warehouse and SQL Server Warehouse, OpenGIS SQL, TatukGIS SQL and others.
  • Vector formats via external providers: FME, GDAL/OGR.
  • Pixel file: ADF, BIL, BMP, BT, CADRG, DEM, DT, FLT, GIF, GRD, IMG, JPEG, PNG, SDTS, STRM, TIFF/GeoTIFF and others.
  • Pixel database: TatukGIS PixelStore (pixel and grid) and others.
  • Pixel formats via external providers: FME, GDAL/OGR, MrSID, ECW/ECWP, JPEG2000. (ECW, MrSID, and JPEG2000 not applicable for DK.ASPNET edition.)
  • Protocol based (streaming): WMS, WMTS, WFS, web tiles

Enterprise-class database formats (with Enterprise license)

All supported SQL-based layer formats are presented with detailed information about supported operations, operating systems, and required drivers (if any) in the documentation wiki. These include advanced SQL spatial database layer formats listed below.

  • Vector database: ESRI ArcSDE, Geomedia Oracle Object Model, Geomedia SQL Server Spatial, IBM DB2 Spatial Extender, IBM Informix Spatial Data Blade, MapInfo SpatialWare, Microsoft MSSQL Spatial Server (Katmai), Oracle Spatial/Locator, Oracle Spatial Point Cloud and TIN, PostGIS, Sybase SQL Anywhere Spatial and others.
  • Pixel database: ESRI ArcSDE Raster, Oracle GeoRaster and others.

Project file formats

  • TatukGIS map project file supported fully.
  • Open and render projects created by some third-party software products: QGIS (*.qgs), MapInfo Professional (*.wor), ESRI ArcView 3 (*.apr), ESRI ArcExplorer (*.aep), and ESRI ArcGIS/ArcMap 9/10 (*.mxd) by using free Arc2TatukGIS plugin.

Available Platforms

  • DK for Delphi edition:
    • for Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi & C++ Builder
      • XE6
        • VCL: win32, win64
      • XE7
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS Simulator323), Android32
      • XE8
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32
      • RX10 Seattle
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32
      • RX10.1 Berlin
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32
      • RX10.2 Tokyo
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator323), Android32, Linux1)
      • RX10.3 Rio
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS32, macOS642), iOS323), iOS64, iOS Simulator32,3) Android32, Android64, Linux1)
      • RX10.4 Sydney
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS643), iOS64, Android32, Android64, Linux1)
      • RX11 Alexandria
        • VCL: win32, win64
        • FMX: win32, win64, macOS642), macOSARM642) iOS64, Android32, Android64, Linux1)
  • DK for .NET edition:
    • .NET Framework 4.5 (and up) for Windows only; includes visual components for Windows Forms (WinForms) and WPF; 32 and 64 bits
    • .NET (aka Core) 
      • .NET Standard 2.1 for Windows, Linux, MacOS, and others only non-visual bitmap rendering.
      • .NET 5.0 (and up), and Core 3.1 visual components for Windows Forms (WinForms) and WPF.
    • Visual Studio 2013-2022 (version depends on selected .NET technology)
  • DK for Java edition:
    • Any Swing, Java 8 and up supported platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspbian
    • NetBeans, Eclipse, and Java Swing compatible tools
  • DK for ActiveX edition:
    • ActiveX win32
    • Visual Basic 6, Visual C++ 6, Visual Studio 2013-2022
    • Windows XP or newer
  • DK for ASP.NET edition:
    • ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms, Windows
    • ASP.NET Core, Windows, Linux, and macOS4)
    • Visual Studio 2013-2022 (version depends on selected .NET technology)
  • DK for Python edition:
    • Python 8 and up on Windows, Linux x64, and macOS x64 and ARM
    • Any IDE supporting Python including PyCharm, Pyscripter, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Core.
    • Jupyter compatible.

1)requires FmxLinux libraries; not available in Trial versions
2)macOS64 is not currently supported with C++Builder by Embarcadero
3)32bit support for iOS is discontinued by Apple. From version 11.69, these libraries are removed from distribution.
4)not available in a Trial versions