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Contact Support

  1. Standard customer technical support is provided only by e-mail, via the support@tatukgis.com e-mail address. Each support email creates a support "ticket". Each ticket should correspond to a single support issue.
  2. The Question & Answer (Q&A) is an additional resource to seek and share answers to general (how-to) questions relating to TatukGIS software. All users are welcome to contribute to the Q&A. Address product technical support issues, however, directly to TatukGIS via email.
  3. Contact TatukGIS Support only using the e-mail address of the user account to which the license of the TatukGIS product is registered in the TatukGIS customer database system. Email from unrecognized addresses is subject to confusion and will not be processed on a priority basis.
  4. When contacting Support, provide detailed information:
    • issues related to application products, such as the TatukGIS Editor/Viewer:
      1. name of the TatukGIS application and version number
      2. operating system name and version, and whether 32-bit or 64-bit
      3. sample data, if applicable, to enable TatukGIS to replicate the reported problem
    • issues related to a development product, such as the TatukGIS Developer Kernel:
      1. name of TatukGIS product, including edition and version number
      2. technology being used (VCL, FMX, ActiveX, .NET, Compact Framework, etc.)
      3. programing language being used (C#, Pascal, VB.NET, etc.)
      4. IDE version (VS2013, VS2017, RAD Studio 10.2, etc.)
      5. operating system name and version, and whether 32-bit or 64-bit
      6. sample data, if applicable, to enable TatukGIS to replicate the reported problem
  5. The support@tatukgis.com e-mail address accepts email to a size limit of 20MB. Use TatukGIS Upload to send larger files.
  6. Please take into consideration the time difference between your location and TatukGIS: cet to gmt

Remote Support

In special cases (and only when scheduled in advance) TatukGIS provides remote support sessions. Once a remote support session has been scheduled with TatukGIS, do the following:

  1. Download the quick support application.
  2. Run it (and keep running, no installation is required).
  3. Send the ID/Password to support@tatukgis.com.
  4. Upon closing quick support, the application connection is permanently terminated. Each session requires a unique ID/Password. We use http://www.teamviewer.com technology - please refer to this web site for any security considerations. To avoid version conflicts, always use the version downloaded from the TatukGIS web site in step 1.

Problem Sending E-mail to Support

In the event of a problem contacting TatukGIS by email (i.e., your email is rejected or does not pass the spam filter), use the Send e-mail form to report the e-mail communication problem. Do not use this form to request product technical support or sales assistance.