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Knowledge Base

KB10361 - Error during opening map in Internet Server under ASP.NET.

NOTE: The information in this KB item relates only to the obsolete Internet Server product. The Internet Server was replaced by the Developer Kernel for ASP.NET edition in January, 2014. For details refer to the January 29, 2014 News article on the TatukGIS web site.

The solution is to verify the Spool virtual directory exists and that the ASP process has rights to write into it. If the map is not visible, then something is wrong with the paths. Note that one of the differences between ASP and ASP.NET is a security feature in the ASP.NET that makes all web pages run under a “special user”.

Also, be sure that you are following the correct procedure, which is:

Copy your files to the directory:

  c:\Program Files\TatukGIS\IS

Then create 3 virtual directories:

  /TatukGIS - for icons
  /Spool - for image spooling
  /TatukGIS_Samples - for samples
Created: November 21, 2003, Modified: January 08, 2016