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Knowledge Base

KB10536 - Develop plain C++ application using XDK with Visual Studio.

Here is a simple console application using the TatukGIS DK-ActiveX (XDK):

#include "stdafx.h"
#import "msado15.dll"
#import "Stdole2.tlb" rename_namespace("TatukGIS_DK") // patch for VS6 bug
#import "TatukGIS_DK.ocx"

#include "stdio.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 CoInitialize( NULL ) ;

 TatukGIS_DK::IXGIS_UtilsPtr utils ;
 TatukGIS_DK::IXGIS_PointPtr ptg ;

 utils.CreateInstance( "TatukGIS_DK.XGIS_Utils" ) ;

 ptg = utils->GisPoint( 12, 34 ) ;

 printf( "x = %f, y=%f", ptg->X, ptg->Y ) ;
 return 0;

Created: June 02, 2004, Modified: September 10, 2015