TatukGIS uses what we call an 'In-memory' layer (TGIS_LayerVector) to perform the animation. Lines, points, and polygon shapes may be created on this layer using your own logic or data can be imported from existing sources using the built-in DK ImportLayer method. Every shape in an in-memory layer is editable. The DK writes data to an in-memory very, very quickly.
Follow this procedure:
- Screen caching turned on
- The layer(s) containing the in-memory temporary animated representation must be the top-most layer.
- Cashing for the in-memory layer(s) holding the floating (moving) points turned off
Be careful the project file does not override the viewer settings.
Refer to the DK In-memory sample (located in DK sample set #1) for guidance. This sample shows the animated representation of moving objects in the in-memory layer, but the logic is similar to animating using colors and sizes.
An in-memory layer can also be created in the TatukGIS Editor by using a script.
For more on in-memory verus on-disk layers, refer to KB10327.