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Knowledge Base

KB10680 - Multi-colored WMF, CGM, and SVG symbols.

TatukGIS products support WMF, CGM, and SVG symbols. Each of these symbol types supports multi-color combinations.

WMF symbols support any color combination and TatukGIS software simply renders WMF symbols as they are. CGM and SVG colors can be controlled via the TatukGIS software:

  • Marker CGM and SVG symbols can be two colors, i.e., bi-colored. Set Marker.Color and Marker.OutlineColor to modify the colors.
  • Color of CGM/SVG symbols used for polygon outlines always match Outline.Color.
  • Color of CGM/SVG symbols used for polygon fills match Area.Color. If, however, color is set to GIS_RENDER_COLOR, the built-in CGM colors is used.
Created: February 08, 2006, Modified: September 18, 2015