Live GPS Tracking
Editor GPS tracking functionality is provided as scripts to allow customers the flexibility to make customizations and, if required, implement specialized or more advanced GPS related functionality. This approach recognizes the impossibility of "hard programming" into the Editor a single set of GPS related features likely to satisfy the requirements of all customer situations. The Editor's scripting IDE exposes the comprehensive TatukGIS API, for almost unlimited possibilities. (Refer also to the DK GPS related source code samples.)
Two source code GPS tracking related scripted plugins developed by TatukGIS are packaged with the Editor:
- GPSLocate. When used with a connected GPS device, this script presents the current location on the map along the previous GPS points depicting the path traveled. This script provides a good starting point for someone wishing to use the Editor's scripting tools to add custom GPS features and functionality.
- GPSLocateEnhanced. This script provides a more complete GPS related feature set that can be run and used with a connected GPS device without further customization. It represents our best attempt to provide the set of GPS related features we believe most users will find useful. Features include presentation of the current GPS position, snapping GPS position to nearest line vector, automatic map scrolling, presenting the path traveled as points, speed limit, save current position as a point of interest, and creating line and polygon layers from the GPS data. This script can be further customized as a customer may require.
Editor GPS connectivity reflects the NMEA GPS interface protocol via either the computer’s COM or USB ports. Live GPS tracking points can be reprojected on-the-fly to a map layer or multi-layer map project displayed in any coordinate system, using the Editor's advanced support for coordinate systems.
Batch Data Transfer
The Editor supports the GPX (GPS exchange) data format for batch transferring data between the Editor and a GPS device. Simply open a GPX file containing GPS data to present data as a map layer. Reproject the GPX layer to the project coordinate system, if required. The data can be edited in the GPX format or converted to any other Editor supported vector format (SHP, GML, KML, EOO, MIF, TAB, DXF, JSON, SQL database layer, etc.). A number of free software programs, such as EasyGPS (, can be used to transfer GPX format data to/from a GPS device.
More GPS related guidance is provided in KB10627.