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KB10832 - TatukGIS Database Layer Connector Files (TTKLS and TTKPS).

TTKLS is a sub file used to connect TatukGIS products to vector SQL and spatial database map layers such as TatukGIS binary (native), OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, Microsoft SQL Spatial, Geomedia, IBM DB2 Spatial Extender, ESRI ArcSDE, and others.

TTKPS is a sub file used to connect TatukGIS products to raster SQL database map layers, e.g., TatukGIS PixelStore, Oracle GeoRaster, ESRI ArcSDE Raster.

TTKLS and TTKPS files are recognized by their *.TTKLS and *.TTKPS name extensions.

TTKLS and TTKPS files can be opened using the TatukGIS Editor, free Viewer, and Developer Kernel (and any custom application developed from the Developer Kernel component).

TatukGIS supported vector and raster database layer formats and compatible database engines are presented in knowledge base item KB10639.

Created: March 02, 2010, Modified: February 13, 2017