TatukGIS does not sell any map data products by CD, so your purchase must have been from some other company. (TatukGIS offers - either for free or for a price - only a very limited number of data sets by download from the TatukGIS web site.) Please direct support questions to the company from which you made the purchase. TatukGIS is unable help with data that we know nothing about.
Furthermore, the TatukGIS Viewer is a free product that is provided without user support. The Viewer is sufficiently easy to learn and use that most users do not require user support. For help with using the free Viewer, refer to the product help files, on-line tutorials, and searchable knowledge base material on the TatukGIS web site.
Because many consider the TatukGIS Viewer to be the world’s best free GIS viewer, vendors of GIS/map data sometimes package the TatukGIS Viewer with data products sold to their customers (to enable their customers to easily open and view the data). While the TatukGIS license agreement permits the redistribution of the free Viewer product, TatukGIS does not participate in, or benefit from, the business activities of 3rd-party map data vendors. Any vendor packaging the free TatukGIS Viewer with their data products should:
provide guidance how to use the TatukGIS Viewer with the data, and
make it clear that user support is the responsibility of the data vendor, not TatukGIS.