KB10866 - Purchasing, payment options, invoicing, delivery method.
- Purchases are performed on-line via the Buy page of the TatukGIS web site, with payment by credit card or bank wire transfer. Most credit cards are supported, as are Apple Pay and Google Pay. The buyer may select between two TatukGIS-supported international credit card processors: Stripe and PolCard.
- Prices are transparently presented in US Dollars on the Buy / New Order (Price List) page of the TatukGIS web site. Purchases can also be performed in EUR or PLN (Polish Zloty) currency.
- Product delivery is by internet download with no shipping charges.
- Upon completion and approval of an online purchase order, TatukGIS sends the purchaser an email providing links to the pro-forma invoice (for printing or PDF download) and payment options.
- The purchase payment may be performed during the online purchase order session or later by using a payment option provided in the email. The pro-forma invoice validity period is 15 days, so the purchase payment should be performed within that period. For guidance on cooperation with a purchasing department, see KB10874.
- Upon receipt of the purchase payment, TatukGIS i) notifies the purchaser and declared licensed user (if different persons) by email, ii) generates the commercial invoice which becomes available under the purchaser's login account (for printing or PDF download), and iii) activates the login account of the licensed user with product access. Guidance on downloading and activating a licensed product is provided in KB10614.
- Concerning European Union (EU) residents only: Prices are presented without value added tax (VAT). Companies and organizations domiciled in the EU must provide its proper VAT number, which will be reflected on the invoice. If the company or organization is in an EU country other than Poland, VAT is not added to the price and the buyer must account for VAT in its home EU country. If the buyer is in Poland, or a private individual in any EU country, the 23% Poland VAT is added to the price and reflected on the invoice. (EU VAT is not applicable to buyers located outside the EU.)
- Customer credit card payment details are transmitted directly to the secure web site of international credit card payments processor using industry-standard security protocols. Customer credit card information is not seen, collected, or stored by TatukGIS.
- In the event of a credit card related error message or authorization failure, see guidance offered at KB10867.
- For purchases by software resellers, see KB10878.
- Volume price discount on new license purchases and maintenance renewals is 20% for transactions involving 2 - 4 licenses of the same product, 30% for 5 - 9 licenses, 35% for 10 - 11 licenses, 40% for 12 - 19 licenses, etc. Select the license quantity when performing the online purchase order to get the discount.
- TatukGIS does not process purchase transactions based on customer generated purchase order documents. For more on this, see KB10870.
- TatukGIS follows a try-before-you-buy approach. Use the product trial version to verify the product meets your requirements BEFORE purchasing.
- Safe list @tatukgis.com with anti-spam filters to ensure receipt of notification emails.
- The TatukGIS Purchase & Fulfillment Policy may contain additional relevant information.
- For sales related assistance contact: sales@tatukgis.com.
Created: August 10, 2011, Modified: October 15, 2024