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KB10867 - Avoid or resolve a credit card payment problem.

The credit card payment process is a matter between the credit card owner/customer, the international credit card payments system, and the bank that issued the credit card. The buyer provides the credit card information directly to the credit card processor using industry standard security protocols - so TatukGIS never receives or possesses the credit card information and plays no role in the approval process.

TatukGIS offers the buyer a choice between two credit card processors: Stripe and PolCard. If one seems to not be working properly, it may help to attempt the payment with the other processor.

Payment Not Authorized message

To ensure the highest level of security, credit card transactions are checked deeply against risk of fraud. The most common reasons for non authorization are:

  • The bank (which issued the credit card) uses an automated anti-fraud security system which suspects use of the credit card in Poland might be an unauthorized transaction.
  • The bank or the type of the credit card uses a security procedure that does not allow foreign and/or internet transactions unless the customer first contacts the bank and authorizes the payment.
  • The bank, in response to a request from the credit card owner, temporarily enables the credit card for a foreign transactions only for a very short time period (example: 1 hour) that expires before the transaction is next attempted.
  • Internet purchases attempted on that day exceed the credit card’s daily internet transaction limit.
  • Purchases attempted on that day exceed the credit card’s total daily transaction limit.
  • Purchases attempted during the current billing cycle exceed the credit card’s total credit limit.
  • Credit card number was incorrectly entered.
  • Year/month of the expiration date was entered incorrectly or in the wrong format.
  • Provided name does not exactly match the name on the credit card.
  • Address entered does not match the billing address of the credit card owner.
  • A communication fault, perhaps temporary, between the credit card processing system and your bank prevented presentation of the transaction request to your bank. (If the bank reports no record of an attempted transaction, this is a possibility.)

The solution to any of these situations is to call the credit card issuing bank (using to the telephone number on the credit card) to clarify and resolve the situation. When the problem is resolved, perform the on-line purchase again.

It can sometimes be helpful, before attempting the purchase, to call and inform the bank that you wish to use the credit card to perform i) an on-line purchase ii) from a company (TatukGIS) located in Poland. Otherwise there is a risk the bank's automated anti-fraud security system does not authorize the payment because the transaction is international or use of the credit card in Poland is unusual.

When communicating with the bank, take into consideration that the bank i) must first confirm it is speaking with the credit card owner, ii) may be unwilling to share full information about the bank's anti-fraud security procedures (even with a confirmed customer), and iii) may be reluctant to admit the bank's security procedures caused a customer inconvenience.

Error message

Though very rare, it is possible to encounter an error message such as: no connection to the credit card issuer, incorrect command, or expired session. Two possible explanations for such error are:

  • A secure (encrypted) connection between the web site of the credit card processor and the purchaser’s computer, for some reason, could not be established. This might be due to a temporary problem with the internet connection, a pause for system maintenance, your web browser security settings…
  • The session timed out because the credit card issuing bank did not provide the electronic authorization within the allowed time period.

Based on our experience, in 90+% of cases this problem is resolved by attemptig the online purchase again:

  • a bit later (or the next day),
  • using a different web browser (or different computer),
  • using a different internet connection, or
  • using a different TatukGIS-supported credit card payments processor.

Alternative bank transfer payment method

The bank wire transfer payment option is available during the on-line purchase procedure and as a payment option presented in the email sent to the purchaser upon completion of the on-line purchase order.

Created: August 11, 2011, Modified: October 15, 2024