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Knowledge Base

KB10877 - Opening map data via the web - supported options.

TatukGIS products support a number of technologies for accessing, or rendering as a map layer, data from the internet or intranet. This support is available in the TatukGIS Developer Kernel, desktop Editor, and free Viewer products, except as noted below.

WMS server protocol
WFS server protocol
  • The OpenGIS Web Feature Service (WFS) provides a map as a GML vector layer. To open provide the URL to the WFS server as a GetCapabilites request.
  • Editor/Viewer note: use menu File/Open from web and provide the URL.
ERDAS ECWP protocol
  • To open data served from an ERDAS map server. To open provide the URL to the ECWP server.
  • Editor/Viewer note: use menu File/Open from web and provide the URL link to the service.
Map Tiles
  • The Web Map Tiles Service (WMTS, TMS) is a very popular technology that is at the heart of web mapping services such as Bing Maps and Google Maps. While Bing Maps and Google Maps are commercial services with licensing restrictions, other Web Map Tile Services are free resources. Refer also to the MapQuest Open Tiles blog.
  • Connector files (.TTKWP) to a number of popular tiles are provided in the sample data folder: \Samples\WebServices.
Bing Maps
Created: April 19, 2012, Modified: February 28, 2018