KB10882 - Editor compatibility with a terminal server environment.
TatukGIS has successfully tested the Editor in a Microsoft terminal server environment. Customers have reported that the Editor also works just fine in a Citrix terminal server environment, though TatukGIS has not tested the Editor with Citrix server.
A terminal server environment enables controlled (via the server) sharing of the Editor product between multiple users and requires the purchase of a concurrent user license(s) of the Editor product. Each concurrent user license allows a limit of one user (from a pool of users) to access and use the Editor at any given time, so that the number of persons using the Editor concurrently may never exceed the number of concurrent licenses purchased. Concurrent-user licensing requires the customer to employ a reliable means (such as a terminal server configuration) to ensure the number of users at any given time never exceeds the number of concurrent-user licenses.
Created: June 28, 2012, Modified: June 29, 2012