The TatukGIS Developer Kernel, GIS Editor, and free GIS Viewer support accessing data or streaming map coverages from the web using the following technologies: WMS (OGC Web Map Service), WFS (OGC Web Feature Service), TMS (OGC Tile Map Service), WMTS (Web Map Tile Service), and ECWP (ERDAS).
Editor and free Viewer
Use one of the following:
- Menu item File/Favorites and select from the drop down list of several popular free sources of web based map data, including MapQuest OpenStreetMaps Tiles, MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles, Microsoft Terra Service, WMS World Map, OpenStreet Europe Map, etc.
- Menu File/Open From Server and enter the web address for the map source. Then click on OK.
- Menu Layer/Add from Server and enter the web address for the map source. Then click on OK.
- Menu File/Open or Layer/Add and open a .ttkwp file with the layer configuration. Then click on OK.
Developer Kernel (and Editor using its built-in scripting environment):
- Create a new layer (TGIS_LayerWMS, TGIS_LayerWFS, TGIS_LayerWebTiles or TGIS_LayerECW). Provide the Path property using: a server url, a .ttkwp file, or by embedding all parameters as a CRLF or '\n' delimited string. Then add the layer to the viewer.
- Use the viewer Open method to pass the path as the parameter, as described above.
- For more guidance, refer the DK helpfile for the specific layer type, e.g., TGIS_LayerWMS, TGIS_LayerWFS, etc.
The DK and Editor download packages include a number of helpful samples with *.ttkwp files for opening tiled services such as OpenStreetMaps. It is necessary only to add a layer with the correct path property. These samples are found in the samples dataset folder Samples/WebServices (a link to "Samples Data" folder is available in installed program group usually placed on the desktop).