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KB10897 - TatukGIS software version number logic.

Version numbers should be read as major.minor.release.build. Using the version number as an example:

  • "10" is the major version number
    A new number here indicates a major new version (new generation) of the software.
  • "12" is the minor version number
    This number is reset to "0" upon each new major version release. Each incremental increase in this number indicates the version introduced some new features.
  • "1" is the release number
    This number is reset to "0" upon each new minor version release. Incremental increases in this number indicate that the version introduced no new features (probably the version provides only fixes).
  • "12542" is the build number
    This is the TatukGIS generation number that is used to uniquely identify each released version in the subversion archive (so we know exactly which source code was used to build it). Yes, this means that the major, minor, and release numbers, in fact, are only a logical naming scheme used to intuitively classify each version.

Created: September 26, 2013, Modified: September 27, 2013