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Knowledge Base

KB10914 - Support for DXF named layers.

Upon reading/writing a DXF file, the DK interprets the DXF file as a single DK layer. DXF, however, has a assignment between shape and the DXF named layer. Such DXF named layer is interpreted by the DK using an attribute field called DXF_LAYER which, for example, can be used for attribute based rendering.

If this attribute field does not exist when layers are exported to DXF, the field will be created and assigned to a DK layer.Name.

If you want to perform any custom export:

  1. Create a DXF_LAYER field if it does not exist (field must be string type)
  2. Set attribute field accordingly, using:
    shp.SetField( 'DXF_LAYER', 'My custom layer name'
Created: December 08, 2015, Modified: December 08, 2015