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Knowledge Base

KB10950 - Installation program cannot copy files to folder.

The program is unable to copy the Sample Data Set into c:\Users\Public\Documents folder. This issue can potentially occur with older versions of the DK and GIS Editor products.

The most common reason for this is the Windows "Controlled Folders" setting. The easiest workaround is to temporarily disable this feature at the time of installing the TatukGIS software. Refer to Microsoft guidance provided at: Controlled folder access. Alternatively, unselecting Sample Data from the installation should also bypass the problem.

For sure, the TatukGIS setup program is not ransomware! Unfortunately, Microsoft offers no fast and easy way to acknowledge this and grant access to the Documents folder.

All setups released after January 2023 introduced a modification to the installation procedure to bypass this problem by installing the sample data to a different location.

Created: January 08, 2023, Modified: February 07, 2023