Question & Answer The Question & Answer resource offers a way for users of TatukGIS products to communicate general "how-to" questions and answers with other users. All users are welcome to contribute. Product technical support questions should be communicated directly to the TatukGIS support team at the support@ email address. Search for: + Submit New Question TGIS_ControlLegend resize with items I was wondering if there is a standard way to have the TGIS_ControlLegend increase its width when items too wide for the initial width are displayed? Might be more of a Delphi question but I can't seem to figure out how to do it Published on August 14, 2020 by BerF 1 answer Solved How to get selected layers from TGIS_ControlLegend I'm having issues where selecting shapes is quite slow. 2-3 seconds to select a shape using the documented method to do the selection. I was wondering if I could speed up the process by using the TGIS_LayerTAB.Locate method with the lowest z-order and the layer is visible in the TGIS_ViewerWnd I can't figu... Published on August 13, 2020 by BerF 1 answer Solved WKT or WKB in Single Database Table Using Tatuk Editor --> Layer --> Add SQL Layer, I am trying to access tables and views in a database where the geometry (as WKB or WKT) is a field in the same table as the attributes. However, from what I can put together, the Editor expects a two-tabled format with the geometry and features in separate tabl... Published on March 13, 2017 by NatW 10 answers Multi-Surfaces in 3D Space Is it possible to have more than one 3D surface in Tatuk? I am a geologist and need to be able to show the surface of the earth as well as the surfaces such as rock layers, water tables, etc. to see how they relate to one another visually in 3D space. If not, are there plans for such support in the futur... Published on May 31, 2017 by Crag Cox 9 answers Extent of printarea on TGIS_ControlPrintPreview I want to draw a boundary of the area which I see when I look at my print preview. The size of the Gis_Viewerwnd of the application is different then the size of the printpreview. How do I get the extent of the area on my print preview so I can use that extent to create a shape of the area and show it on t... Published on February 15, 2020 by Danv 2 answers how to create a polygon 5 meter offset. how to create a polygon 5 meter offset. Published on June 29, 2020 by ilkk 5 answers TGIS_LayerPixel to array data I need to extract the grids values from a raster layer to a standard float matrix, efficiently. And also in reverse, matrix to raster layer. I will be grateful for the help. Published on June 16, 2020 by Cristiano 1 answer Embedding parameters to Path property In several citations of the documentation it is mentioned that it is possible: "This layer can be opened by opening the file name_of_layer.ttkls or embedding all parameters to Path property as CRLF or 'n' delimited String." I want to open several layers of a Geopackage file using the new .ttkproject format... Published on March 13, 2020 by Cristiano 1 answer How to get an attribute through a search engine in C++ Builder Hello, how can I get an attribute through a search engine? I can find an object through a search engine but cannot find to get its attribute this my code UnicodeString object_name=TMSFNCSearchEdit2->Text; TLocateOptions myoption; GIS_DataSet1->Locate("Name",object_name,myoption); if ( GIS_DataSet1->Act... Published on February 12, 2020 by Bahodir 0 answers Problem with zoom in and zoom out speed in TGIS_ViewerWnd I have 3 types of shp files: line, points and polygon and there are several of them in TGIS_ViewerWnd. When I zoom in or zoom out with the mouse TGIS_ViewerWnd works slowly. For example, if I immediately zoom in or zoom out it slows down. This my codes it is for zoom in void __fastcall TForm1::GISMouseW... Published on February 06, 2020 by Bahodir 1 answer Solved < 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 > Displaying results 31-40 (of 226) Q&A Frequently Asked Questions Knowledge Base Contact Support