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The Questions and Answers (Q & A) resource provides a way for users of TatukGIS products to communicate with other users. TatukGIS personnel may or may not regularly follow the Q & A or contribute content.
  1. Licensed users (with active maintenance) of a TatukGIS product are welcome to contribute Q & A content. Read-only access is available to anyone else.
  2. Keep the content positive and professional.
  3. Be courteous to other Q & A users by posting follow-up information when a question or issue is answered or resolved by other means (such as via help provided by the TatukGIS technical support team). Please offer for the others at least a hint about how an issue was resolved.
  4. The Q & A resource is for general, "how-to" questions about TatukGIS software that might reasonably be answered by other users. Product technical support questions (e.g., product "does-not-work-as-expected", new feature requests, etc.) should be sent by email to the TatukGIS support team at support@.