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DK11 VCL Can you place a TGIS_ControlScale outside the TGIS_ViewerWND?

Crag Cox asked on June 01, 2023, keyword: Developer Kernel
I am trying to place the TGIS_ControlScale outside the TGIS_ViewerWND? so that it is easier to see and does not interfere with the view.  Is this possible?  When I try, it always snaps to the viewer when I compile.   
Tomasz Kosinski (TatukGIS) replied February 16, 2021
Set Transparent to False.
MirA replied June 01, 2023
Placing the Scale does work at my case inside and outside the Viewer. But in DK11 version it doesn't show the text anymore. What could be the problem?
Tomasz Kosinski (TatukGIS) replied June 01, 2023
Set the Transparent property to false. Same for NorthArrow
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