Q&A - Question
Updating a field in a file
Kenneth V. Lewis asked on January 05, 2022, keyword: Viewer / Editor
I have one file called "Points" that I need a field updated based on it's centroid being within another files polygon. How do I do this using Tatuk Editor?
Danv replied January 05, 2022
I do not know what the amount of points is you need to update, but one should do the following:
1) do a spatial scan in which polygon the point is located
2) take the value from the found polygon
3) update the point with the found value from the polygon.
You can either loop over the polygons and find the points within it and then perform step 2 and 3 or
you can loop over the points and find the polygon in which it is located and then
perform step 2 and 3.
It is the easiest to solve this by an Editor script. I could help you with that.
Drop me a mail if you want : dvhooren@smalltogo.com
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