Q&A - Question
Convert DEM elevation from meters to feet
Crag Cox asked on June 17, 2022, keyword: Viewer / Editor
Is there a way to convert a GeoTiff DEM elevation from meters to feet using the Editor?
Michal Kowalczuk replied June 17, 2022
Yes. Simply run a Pipeline tool from Tools menu and use the code below:
; Get an elevation layer from GIS
Layer.Get Result=$dem_meters Name=<grid layer name>
; Create output pixel layers
Layer.CreateGrid Result=$dem_feets Name=DemFeets Path=E:\Temp\ElevationFeets.flt CS=$dem_meters Extent=$dem_meters Width=$dem_meters Height=$dem_meters Save=True
; Use raster algebra to convert meters to feets
Algebra Result=$dem_feets Layer0=$dem_meters Formula="Result=Layer0*3.28"
; Optionally generate color ramp
Grid.GenerateRamp Layer=$dem_feets StartColor=ARGB:FFffffb2 EndColor=ARGB:FFbd0026 MinValue=-125 MaxValue=775 UseMiddle=False ColorSpace=RGB
That's it!
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